Project Proposal
Current Yugoslav law of torts, which was enacted in former Yugoslavia many years ago for the needs of a completely different governance system, has largely become obsolete and superseded by dramatic events taking place in Yugoslavia and the rest of the world over the last decade. Moreover, due to attempts of the ruling regime to use it openly for political purposes (like in the case of the current Public Information Act and the like), this law has been considerably degraded. During the last few years, this law was not improved and democratized. Instead, it was openly used by the regime against its political opponents, as well as for other political purposes. For these reasons, it will be justifiable to undertake this project which will – once political conditions are created - facilitate adoption of a new Yugoslav law of torts, adjusted to international legal standards.
Objective of this project is a critical survey of Yugoslav law of torts and of its conformity/nonconformity with generally adopted, international procedural-law standards and especially with those arising from international legal documents on human rights protection.
Final objective of this project is to propose solutions for basic and most important procedural-law institutions that can be used for adoption of a new Yugoslav law of torts.
Project will be carried out in three basic phases.
Project will be implemented in three phases within a period of 12 months upon its adoption.
The first phase will be implemented within a period of 5 months.
The second phase will be implemented within a period of 5 months upon completion of the first one.
The third phase will be implemented simultaneously with and complementarily to the second one, and will be completed within 2 months upon completion of the second phase at the latest.
Project is expected to achieve the following results: