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League of Experts - LEX
Belgrade, Topličin venac 11,
Serbia and Montenegro

tel: +381 11 3034280, 3034281;
tel/fax: +381 11 3282975;
e-mail: office@lex.org.rs
Srpski English



East European experiences since 1990 confirm that formulation and establishing of adequate legislative framework is one of basic preconditions for substantial and viable changes in the field of economy. Because of the given circumstances FRY (with a partial exemption of Montenegro) is considerably behind other countries of the region. Also, the starting baseline of FRY differs to that respect from the original baseline of those other countries (except former Yugoslav republics). Ten years of isolation and negative trends make expert thinking on this issue additionally complex introducing at the same time some specific dimensions, which necessarily have to be considered in the FRY case.

Public opinion research carried out in Serbia during the last two years indicate that a majority of indecisive and politically passive citizens are those who a) are not satisfied with the current regime but b) manage to relatively successfully do business in the existing chaotic conditions and corruption (small and medium private enterprises, «gray» economy). This category (about 40% of eligible citizens), therefore, imposes itself as a specific target group. In a period of preparations for desired changes it will be necessary to design adequate and substantial messages for this category of potential voters.

Project Objective

The objective of this project is to:

1. Do a baseline assessment of existing provisions in the Constitution and in respective laws which regulate the field of economy as well as behavior of various subjects of economic process;

2. Make a projection of an optimal legislative framework necessary for launching of an economic changes process;

3. Do a baseline assessment of those legislative provisions (in Constitution and respective laws) which in that sense have to be changed and adjusted to modern European and international standards;

4. Establish legislative action priorities to be carried out in optimal conditions (of changed political environment) in order to make up for the lost time in the shortest possible period;

5. Establish action priorities accomplishable within current environment with cooperation of civil society of Serbia, civil society of Montenegro and the Government of Montenegro, which can contribute to public awareness development on advantages of a market economy regulated by an adequate legislative framework and based upon principles of transparency, competition, guaranteed continuity and public action.

Project Realization

Project is to be realized in two basic segments:

1. By organizing of a two day Seminar «LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR ECONOMIC CHANGES».

2. By distribution of the Seminar messages through:

a) Media coverage and

b) The LEX public awareness campaign.

Project Realization

Time and Location The first part of the project, the two day Seminar, is to be carried out between ___ and___ July 2000 in hotel________________in Milocer, Montenegro.

The second part of the project is to be realized upon termination of the first part.

Project Implementor

Implementor of this project is a non-governmental organization League of Experts – LEX in cooperation with civil society organizations of Montenegro, the Government of Montenegro and with the GTZ Foundation.

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